Inspired by Iceland
To leave a trace - Article by SEEDS Volunteer Sophie Boone
To leave a trace - Article by SEEDS Volunteer Sophie Boone
When I discovered I told myself that this was a great (Icelandic) project and it should be presented to the volunteers in our environmental camp. I wrote to Guðrún Tryggvadóttir to see if she could be our first guest speaker for the camp; to give a great first impression...
SEEDS 054. West fjords & Reykjavík: Music Festival!
SEEDS 054. West fjords & Reykjavík: Music Festival!
Sveiki from the Westfjords! The festival is in full swing and the most important night of concerts awaits - there are dignitaries coming! It has been very enjoyable to work behind the scenes and help such a talented group of musicians do what they do best. The music has been a real treat for the sensations...
SEEDS 104. Mýrdalshreppur - South shore!
SEEDS 104. Mýrdalshreppur - South shore!
We were 5 persons from different continents and countries who became "carrot people" for 2 weeks. We came from Latvia, Germany, Nigeria and Japan. Nobody of us had ever thought about "the carrot life-cycle", so there, in the south of Iceland, surrounded by ocean and 2 glittering...
SEEDS 082. Working & Horseback riding in the South!
SEEDS 082. Working & Horseback riding in the South!
If you would ask what the best entertainment in Iceland is, of course one of the top answers would be horseback riding. Maybe that is why volunteers from seven different countries met each other exactly in the horseback riding camp. Horseback riding every second day - why not ?! Unfortunately,...
Spennandi námskeið í Króatíu með SEEDS og Evrópu unga fólksins!
Spennandi námskeið í Króatíu með SEEDS og Evrópu unga fólksins!
SEEDS mun senda 2 einstaklinga á aldrinum 18-30 ára til þátttöku í námskeiði sem mun fara fram í Orahovica í Króatíu 8.-16. október næstkomandi. Á námskeiðinu verður lögð áhersla...
Long-term volunteer opportunities in Iceland with SEEDS!
Long-term volunteer opportunities in Iceland with SEEDS!
Are you interested in volunteering in Iceland? SEEDS is looking for motivated individuals to join the SEEDS family as long term volunteers (min. 3 months) in the following positions: Photo Marathon Coordinator Office Assistant IT Camp Leader Applications are open till the 25th of October....
SEEDS 046. Hitting the slopes - Blue Mountains!
SEEDS 046. Hitting the slopes - Blue Mountains!
Helping to prepare the skiing slopes for the next skiing season was the main task for the enthusiastic volunteers during the end of July. The weather was extremely good for almost all two weeks, which made work much more pleasant. Volunteers enjoyed the view on the top of the mountains while painting...
SEEDS 106. Ísafjarðardjúp: Nature & Fun in the West Fjords!
SEEDS 106. Ísafjarðardjúp: Nature & Fun in the West Fjords!
Last work camp outside Reykjavik of this year... Yes, that was our work camp in the Westfjords, the last work camp outside Reykjavik of SEEDS this year. The cold is coming; the general winter will arrive soon. It was such a nice place to work, located close to the biggest and oldest fjord...
SEEDS 047. Botanical Garden!
SEEDS 047. Botanical Garden!
Do you know why people enjoy the Grasa Garden (Grasagarðinum) now even more than before? Yes, that's right, because our dream team - Noémie, Ana, Yuhyeon, Alexis, Franko, Jade and also Kelly, who joined the camp a week later, made it more and more beautiful day by day. We did...
SEEDS 097. Island of Viðey!
SEEDS 097. Island of Viðey!
This camp had a variety of interesting work on a beautiful and historically significant island. It was an incredible opportunity to live in a striking natural place right outside the capital Reykjavik. Our accommodation was in a great house on the island with spectacular views of the city and the...
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