Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 24. Skriðuklaustur -  making history
SEEDS 24. Skriðuklaustur - making history
“Skriðuklaustur, stop a while Skriðuklaustur, eat a while Skriðuklaustur give your cakes to meeee. ´Cause I need you, how to survive Without the breaks with apple pie?„ Please imagine the "Pretty woman" song in the background as you read...
SEEDS 38. Remote Fjords - where the Road Ends!
SEEDS 38. Remote Fjords - where the Road Ends!
Twelve Days in the Life of a First Time Work-Camp Leader When I applied to become a work-camp leader I did not really understand what a work-camp was. Although volunteering is common in the UK, these kinds of work exchanges are not called “work-camps.” It does not seem an apt label....
SEEDS 04. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland (1)
SEEDS 04. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland (1)
This workcamp took place on a farm in the South of Iceland. A place that is far from the (only) major road and lost between fields as far as the eye can see on one side, and the sea on the other side. But in every sincerity this farm is a magnificent place and the family that lives there are very...
SEEDS 31. Lighthouse at the end of the world!
SEEDS 31. Lighthouse at the end of the world!
Yesterday was a tiring day, cutting diamond shapes out of dry turf. The wall we are building is definitely taking shape and we are feeling quite proud of it! The wind yesterday was whipping soil into our eyes and there was a silly moment where we were all in our goggles/sunglasses/plastic bags/ jacket...
SEEDS 07. Skriðdalur - Crawling Valley
SEEDS 07. Skriðdalur - Crawling Valley
This was the first Icelandic workcamp experience for me as well as for my volunteers. The first time when I saw the place where I was going to live for two weeks I was astonished by the beauty of West Iceland. A valley, one house and mountains on both sides, majestic, tall and full of snow. I...
SEEDS 17. Nature in the far East and a week in Reykjavik
SEEDS 17. Nature in the far East and a week in Reykjavik
In May, Reykjavik hosted a great street theatre group from Spain - La Fura Dels Baus. The SEEDS group of six volunteers from Romania, France, Slovakia, USA and UK helped them with their amazing performance. After a few days in the capital city, we headed to a completely different place - a small...
SEEDS 09. Ísafjarðardjúp: Nature & Fun in the Westfjords (2)
SEEDS 09. Ísafjarðardjúp: Nature & Fun in the Westfjords (2)
We were welcomed in a magnificent place at the end of the Westfjords. There is a restaurant, guest houses, a campsite, and two small summer houses and they also have horses to make excursions. Our hosts were a mother and her son, very warm people. Our cook was the owner of the place, a real big-hearted,...
SEEDS 22. Skriðuklaustur Making history (2:4)
SEEDS 22. Skriðuklaustur Making history (2:4)
It seems incredible that two weeks have already passed since our group of six volunteers from Italy, Chile, Poland, France and Spain left Reykjavík eastbound discovering all the wonders that the south coast road of Iceland has to offer. We have been working in one of the most famous museums...
World Environment Day - Alþjóðlegi Umhverfisdagurinn  (June 5)
World Environment Day - Alþjóðlegi Umhverfisdagurinn (June 5)
Alþjóðlegi Umhverfisdagurinn (World Environment Day) er árlegur viðburður þar sem markmiðið er að fá heimsbyggðina til að taka þátt í jákvæðum aðgerðum í þágu umhverfisins. World...
SEEDS 10. Photo Marathon on Viðey Island
SEEDS 10. Photo Marathon on Viðey Island
Two weeks that made a wish, everybody in any moment of his/her life has had, real: to have a whole island just for yourself! This is what we’ve experienced during the last two weeks in Viðey, a small island in front of Reykjavík. It’s accessible only by boat and on the island...
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