Inspired by Iceland
Tækifæri erlendis með SEEDS og SCI - Ný ferðasaga frá íslenskum þátttakanda
Tækifæri erlendis með SEEDS og SCI - Ný ferðasaga frá íslenskum þátttakanda
SEEDS fær nú sífellt fleiri fyrirspurnir frá Íslendingum sem hafa áhuga á að fara erlendis sem sjálfboðaliðar. Einn möguleiki er að fara í SCI verkefni en mikill fjölda slíkra verkefna er nú að...
SEEDS kynnir ungmennaskipti á Ítalíu og í Sviss!
SEEDS kynnir ungmennaskipti á Ítalíu og í Sviss!
SEEDS hefur nú kynnt tvö ný ungmennaskipti sem munu fara fram í júní og júli 2013. Fyrra verkefnið mun fara fram í Lombardy héraði Ítalíu og ber nafnið "Young Farmers Point". Þar mun ungt fólk...
SEEDS volunteers at Reykjavík City's Intercultural Day
SEEDS volunteers at Reykjavík City's Intercultural Day
Today SEEDS volunteers were a part of Reykjavík City's Intercultural day, an annual celebration of the many different cultures that can be found our city. Some of our volunteers took part in the intercultrual parade by assisting with walking with the Chinese dragon. The dragon was a hit...
Tales of Iceland now available in stores, 5% of it's profit will be donated to SEEDS!
Tales of Iceland now available in stores, 5% of it's profit will be donated to SEEDS!
Stephen Markley's latest book, Tales of Iceland or Running with the Huldufólk in the Permanent Daylight, is now available online! The book is an alternative type of travel book about Iceland where Markley dives headfirst into Icelandic history and culture while delivering the same twisted...
SEEDS 011. Environmentally aware: in Reykjavík
SEEDS 011. Environmentally aware: in Reykjavík
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live environmentally friendly?  Or what environmentally friendly actually means? Well, some lucky people got a chance to find out during the "Environmentally aware" workcamp. Lovely team of Eva, Laura and Emily got not only a dose of knowledge...
SEEDS 015. Environmentally aware: in Reykjavík
SEEDS 015. Environmentally aware: in Reykjavík
There is no better way to welcome spring as to start the envrionmental workcamp with Seeds and bunch of wonderfull green people who‘s positive attitude towards nature can do big changes. But before talking about workcamp „Environmental awareness in Reykjavik“, short introduction...
SEEDS 014. Easter Photo Marathon in the outskirts of Reykjavík - Úlfarsfell
SEEDS 014. Easter Photo Marathon in the outskirts of Reykjavík - Úlfarsfell
The time had finally arrived, I found myself preparing to greet the imminent arrival of my first work-camp. I stood at the door of our accommodation Ulfarsfell or as I have come to affectingly call it, Hoover-kettle. For the next ten days this remote and wild place we would call home, I took in...
SEEDS 010. Reykjavík: Design March
SEEDS 010. Reykjavík: Design March
Once upon a time nine volunteers with the most interesting and different backgrounds came together to enjoy a week full of new happenings. They had their expectations and visions on how things should be in Iceland, but what they saw was really beyond the borders. Participating in Iceland’s...
SEEDS 007. Photo Marathon in Reykjavík - Laugardalur
SEEDS 007. Photo Marathon in Reykjavík - Laugardalur
Developing a project based on a theme such as racism is a challenge. It needs commitment, involvment and concentration. Aaron, Elena, Lydia, Niyala, Raz, Seoung, Sunny, Tzahi and Yael did their best to capture the sides of the topic that mostly inspired them and put them into pictures: some...
SEEDS kynnir spennandi tækifæri fyrir sjálfboðaliða í Frakklandi
SEEDS kynnir spennandi tækifæri fyrir sjálfboðaliða í Frakklandi
Hefur þú áhuga á að ferðast, kynnast nýrri menningu og láta gott af þér leiða? SEEDS leitar nú að áhugasömum og drífandi einstaklingi á aldrinum 18-25 ára sem hefur áhuga á...
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