Inspired by Iceland
European Solidarity Corps Volunteering - ESC

SEEDS Icelandic Experience

SEEDS, with the support of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), offers opportunities to young people (18-30 years old) to be a volunteer in Iceland for a specific period of time (usually 5 months).

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.

The European Solidarity Corps allows a young person to be a volunteer in another country for a specified period, normally between 2 and 12 months. 

For more information on the European Solidarity Corps, please visit their website.

To visit the site of the Erasmus+ in Iceland, the Icelandic National Agency for the programme and one of our main supporters, please go here.

European Solidarity Corps with SEEDS

Each year we host ESC volunteers in cooperation with partner organisations around Europe. 

Our ESC projects are usually 5 months long and the volunteer can apply for one of the following positions:

  • Public Relations & Communications Volunteer. Read more here.
  • Environment Camp Coordinator. Read more here.
  • Photography Camp Coordinator. Read more here.

Duration of the next activities: 20.01.2025 - 02.07.2025 (5 months)

Vacancies: 11 spaces for volunteers from Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia or Spain.

Deadline to apply: 31 October 2024 at 16.00 (GMT).

Selection/interview process: November (dates to be announced)

Supporting organisations: AHA (Austria, Vorarlberg), Jugend:info NÖ (Austria), Association of Ruse and Green School Village (Bulgaria), European Youth Centre Breclav (Czechia), EstYES (Estonia), Association CACIAURA (France), and Concordia France, Freiwilligendienste and SFD Bremen e.V. (Germany), You in Europe (Greece), Hungarian Volunteer Sending Foundation HVSF, Associazione InformaGiovani and Comune di Cremona (Italy), Socialinis Veiksmas (Lithuania), SIW (the Netherlands), Bona Fides Association (Poland), Agora Aveiro, Rota Jovem, and Y.U.P.I. Youth Union Of People with Initiative (Portugal), A.C.T.O.R. - Cultural Association for Theatre and Origami (Romania), Keric (Slovakia), COCAT and Ayuntamiento de Maracena (Spain).


If you are interested in the project, you are from any of these countries and are interested in becoming an ESC volunteer, please send via email (to all the following documents in English:

  • CV, Curriculum Vitae in English
  • Complete questionnaire here

 In your application, clearly state which role and period you’re available for.

You can read more about this call here.


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