SEEDS in the media
Pick up tons of trash along the coastline

English version of the article published on October 27, 2020 from Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason on
Pick up tons of trash along the coastline
Twenty volunteers from the voluntary organization SEEDS, the Blue Army, employees of several companies and embassy representatives collected about. . .
Now or Never: The Paradox of Flying to Iceland to See a Melting Glacier

Our participant Maryse Carbo wrote a wonderful article on Globonaut. Feel free to read her description of the camp and the changing nature of the isle of Iceland. She wrote:
"In the end, I had the best time in Iceland. Not only did I fall in love with the landscape, the architecture, and the. . .
EVS Experience of Andrea Cadar

Our former volunteer, Andrea Cedar, wrote about her experience with SEEDS (in Romanian and English) on her blog.
"In my perspective…volunteering is about wanting to help for a cause. Is about sharing your energy, knowledge and not wanting money in exchange."
Frettabladid: Peace sign on Non-violence day
On the 2nd of October our volunteers helped create a peace sign with torches and candles in the Klambratún , celebrating Non-violence day.
Dominika Zahoranova's testimonial: Tvnoviny article (sk)
“[Dominika] has been living on the island of the midnight sun for over a year. To visit this beautiful country was her great dream. She decided to combine a pleasant with a useful one. She became a volunteer for the non-profit organization SEEDS Iceland and now she and her other colleague are tak. . .
EVS Environmental Messenger Lelde Gusta talks about the Whale Protest

Our Latvian EVS volunteer, Lelde Gusta, wrote a post for her sending organisation, Radi Vidi Pats concerning the Whale Hunting Protest she took part in back in March.
Here is what she had to say about it (change language to English): . .
Whale protest: the Reykjavik Grapevine article

'Numerous Icelandic orgs have sent off an open letter to Parliament, objecting categorically to the government response to whale hunting. The groups who signed the letter are calling upon the government to meet with them to discuss the numerous issues entailed in whale hunting, not least of all c. . .
Whale protest: Sea Shepherd Iceland video

‘’In Reykjavik, on 24/03/2019, 8 Icelandic non-profit organisations peacefully protested in front of the Icelandic Parliament to demonstrate with powerful speeches, footage and sounds why whaling should be stopped in Iceland and in the world.’’
Check the full Sea Shepherd Iceland video here:. . .
Beach clean up with Sea Shepherd Iceland: Visir article

Last Sunday SEEDS organised a beach cleanup togethe with Sea Shepherd Iceland in Grotta Island at Seltjarnarnes coastal area.
Check here for the full Visir article:
Whale protest: the Maritime Executive article

“A group of environmental organizations in Iceland have sent an open letter to their Parliament protesting the Government's decision to allow whale hunting until at least 2023.”
Read the full the Maritime Executive article here: . .
Whale protest: Iceland Monitor article

Several environmental and animal rights societies in Iceland have sent an open letter to Parliament expressing their concern about the decision made by Kristján Þór Júlíusson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture to renew the whaling permit for Fin whales and Minke whales until 2023.
Read th. . .
Whale protest Morgunblaðið article
Yesterday our volunteers joined a protest against whale hunting in front of the Icelandic Parliament.
The protests were held by the Reykjavik Whale Save, Sea Sheperd Iceland, Stop Whaling in Iceland, Reykjavik Animal Save, GAIA Iceland, SEEDS, Earthworms and the Icelandic Association of Borde. . .
Domi's SEEDS Iceland adventure on Noizz
Dominika Záhoranová is a volunteer from Slovakia who joined SEEDS back in 2018. She joined through the European Voluntary Service (EVS) and was an Environmental Messenger as well as a camp leader coordinator. and she took part in some of our Environmentally Aware camps, and our outdoors camps in. . .
Beatriz Vitorino´s experience with SEEDS: testimonial

Beatriz Vitorino is a Portuguese volunteer who participated in our Photography, Auroras & Lights festival workcamp in February together with other volunteers from all over Europe and Asia.
Read her testimonial here
"La Ginestra Blu", a short film by Guglielmo Brancato

Last week, our former Italian Erasmus + volunteer, Guglielmo Brancato, published a short film he shot while in Iceland. The film focuses on certain environmental issues that we are facing daily.
You can see it here: