Inspired by Iceland
Útþrá - Hitt Húsið (Feb. 15, 2011)
Útþrá - Hitt Húsið (Feb. 15, 2011)
SEEDS will participate at the 2011 edition of Útþrá! The event organised at Hitt Húsið is a showcase for Icelandic youth to learn about the possibilities to make experiences abroad! Different organisations have the opportunity to show their programmes...
Forseti Íslands tekur á móti sjálfboðaliðum SEEDS
Forseti Íslands tekur á móti sjálfboðaliðum SEEDS
Forseti Íslands herra Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson tók á móti SEEDS sjálfboðaliðum á Bessastöðum mánudaginn 15. nóvember. Heimsóknin var í tilefni að fimm ára afmæli samtakanna en sex...
SEEDS Conference on the Environment 2010- Volunteering for Iceland
SEEDS Conference on the Environment 2010- Volunteering for Iceland
SEEDS is celebrating its fifth birthday and on that occasion will be hosting a Conference on the Environment in co-operation with the Icelandic Environment Association and the Environment Agency of Iceland. Sustainability is one of the most important issues to be addressed in our daily-lives...
SEEDS raising awareness in Kringlan!
SEEDS raising awareness in Kringlan!
Today a SEEDS delegation of eight visited Kringlan (Reykjaviks largest mall )and disrupted the everyday life of the shopping centre by making (and teaching how to make) balloon flowers for by passers. Our volunteers had the intention to raise awareness of SEEDS and introduce our projects, such...
SEEDS Umhverfisráðstefna 2010
SEEDS Umhverfisráðstefna 2010
  Sjálfboðasamtökin SEEDS fagna um þessar mundir fimm ára afmælinu sínu og að því tilefni verður efnt til Umhverfisráðstefnu í samstarfi við Landvernd og Umhverfisstofnun.   Sjálfbærni...
Þjóðahátið Vesturlands - Festival of Nations - West Iceland
Þjóðahátið Vesturlands - Festival of Nations - West Iceland
As the 13 people strong SEEDS Squad entered the Sports Hall in Akranes, which was the venue for the anual Day of Nations on the 31.10.2010, a fantastic day began! We helped to prepare the venue by setting up tables and chairs for the participants of the event, that came to present numerous countries...
SEEDS 58. Ísafjarðardjúp: Nature & Fun in the West Fjords (3)
SEEDS 58. Ísafjarðardjúp: Nature & Fun in the West Fjords (3)
Towards the end of September 2010, a group of SEEDS volunteers headed out to Ísafjarðardjúp in the westfjords, to help the locals for the third time in the season of 2010. The group consisted of 8 volunteers from 4 different countries: France, Germany, Israel and Italy. The...
Réttir & museum project - SEEDS 78. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland
Réttir & museum project - SEEDS 78. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland
SEEDS volunteers joined the farmers in Þykkvabæjarklaustur for two weeks of an amazing life. It is a magic place in a flat area between Vík and Kirkjubæjarklaustur. The work there was diverse: we took part in farm life by helping to milk cows...
Mannlegt friðarmerki á Degi án ofbeldis 2. október á Klambratúni
Mannlegt friðarmerki á Degi án ofbeldis 2. október á Klambratúni
Í tilefni ,,Dags án ofbeldis” hyggst Samhljómur menningarheima í samvinnu við fjölmörg félagasamtök og einstaklinga standa fyrir friðargjörningi sem felur í sér myndun mannlegs friðarmerkis, laugardaginn 2.október...
My Land, Our Land, Iceland
My Land, Our Land, Iceland
It was the beginning of September 2009. Ordinary day for most of us... But not for Future of Hope filming crew as well as volunteers of SEEDS 16. Fljótsdalshérað  - Icelandic North-east (1). Exactly one year ago all of them accidentally met in the North-east of...
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