SEEDS & VJF - Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr Seminar
SEEDS & VJF - Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr Seminar
20.06.2007 For the second year in a row, SEEDS Iceland and VJF (Vereinigung Junger Freiwillige) organise, with the support of the City of Berlin, the closing Seminar for 14 volunteers taking part in the "Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr" (FÖJ). Once again, 14 German youngsters making their "Voluntary Ecol. . .
SEEDS 21. International Children?s games & Natural Reserve Þórsmörk
SEEDS 21. International Children?s games & Natural Reserve Þórsmörk
19.06.2007 SEEDS Volunteers supporting the International Children's Games in Reykjavík and moving to the Natural reserve of Þórsmörk arrived yesterday to the Icelandic capital! A group 12 international volunteers, coming from Canada, Finland, France, Italy, Slovakia and the UK, will work with SEEDS in 2. . .
SEEDS 04. Drangajökull - Hornstrandir
SEEDS 04. Drangajökull - Hornstrandir
18.06.2007 SEEDS' volunteers are working all over the country and a group of 10 started working in the area of Hornstrandir, one of the most isolated and unspoiled areas in Iceland!! 10 International volunteers coming from 9 different countries (Canada, Czech Rep., Iceland, Lebanon, Portugal, Spain, Swi. . .
SEEDS 02. Víkingahátíð á Sauðárkróki & Drangey
SEEDS 02. Víkingahátíð á Sauðárkróki & Drangey
14.06.2007 The SEEDS team of Vikings have moved from Hafnarfjörður to Sauðárkrókur, as the Viking Festival moves to the North of Iceland for few days. Around 180 Viking from all over the world, including SEEDS volunteers, moved to the town of Sauðárkrókur to have the market and events around it for few. . .
SEEDS 03. Sólheimar. Eco - Village
SEEDS 03. Sólheimar. Eco - Village
08.06.2007 A new group of 12 SEEDS volunteers have arrived to the village of Sólheimar! Yesterday, 12 youngsters coming from France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, The Netherlands and United Kingdom; came to the Eco-Village of Sólheimar in the South of Iceland to undertake a short-term volun. . .
SEEDS 02. Hafnarfjörður - Víkingahátíð - Viking Festival
SEEDS 02. Hafnarfjörður - Víkingahátíð - Viking Festival
04.06.2007 SEEDS "Viking volunteers" have arrived to Hafnarfjörður from different corners of the world! Our second project (SEEDS 02. Hafnarfjörður - Víkingahátíð - Viking Festival) during this summer 2007 has started today and we are hosting 10 volunteers from 8/9 different countries: Canada/Ireland, C. . .
SEEDS 01 in Bíldudalur & Patreksfjördur
SEEDS 01 in Bíldudalur & Patreksfjördur
29.05.2007 SEEDS' volunteers had the great opportunity to move to the town of Bíldudalur at about one hour away from Patreksfjördur.. The volunteers luckily had the chance to spent half of the time in one town and the other half in another one! After having spent one week in Patreksfjördur, the 22 inter. . .
SEEDS 01. Patreksfjörður - Kvikmyndahátíð - Film Festival started! First one 2007!
SEEDS 01. Patreksfjörður - Kvikmyndahátíð - Film Festival started! First one 2007!
22.05.2007 Our first 2007 international volunteers workcamp started yesterday in the Western Fjords of Iceland. Our first project, SEEDS 01. Patreksfjörður - Kvikmyndahátíð - Film Festival, lasts for 2 weeks until June 4th and volunteers will be working with the communities of the Vesturbyggð county, i. . .
EVS - Long term Volunteers at SEEDS!
EVS - Long term Volunteers at SEEDS!
16.05.2007 Our EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteers have arrived to Iceland and we are very glad having them for the next 6 to 7 months! This year we will host 12 long-term EVS volunteers in our projects here in Iceland; they are coming from 8 different countries: Czech Republic, France, Hungary,. . .
SEEDS & Royal de Luxe in Reykjavík!
SEEDS & Royal de Luxe in Reykjavík!
11.05.2007 The French street theater company Royal de Luxe is performing during the closing of the French festival "Pourquoi pas? Franskt vor á Islandi", which takes place from the 22nd of February to the 12th of May 2007. SEEDS' volunteers have been working during the last days hand on hand with the gr. . .
AUS, UST & SEEDS - Icelandic Cooperation!
AUS, UST & SEEDS - Icelandic Cooperation!
06.05.2007 AUS (Alþjóðleg Ungmennaskipti, the Icelandic branch of ICYE), UST (Umhverfisstofnun, The Environment and Food Agency of Iceland) and SEEDS (SEE beyonD borderS) started cooperation this year 2007 as three of the most important hosts of volunteers in Iceland! The 3 organisations would like to c. . .
Sjálfboðavinna í útlöndum. SEEDS - A world of opportunities! Our Top 10!
Sjálfboðavinna í útlöndum. SEEDS - A world of opportunities! Our Top 10!
01.05.2007 SEEDS Iceland offers the opportunity to Icelanders to volunteer abroad in more than 80 different countries and we have made a short selection "Top 10" of projects that we believe are exciting and very interesting: 1. Great Britain (Cardiff). Get enrolled and engaged in a Welsh circus team, j. . .
EVS Volunteers coming to SEEDS Iceland !!
EVS Volunteers coming to SEEDS Iceland !!
20.04.2007 The summer is coming closer every day and so does the busiest period of the year for SEEDS! Our new EVS volunteers are about to arrive and we are really looking forward to hosting all of them during this new season of our projects in Iceland! During the first week of May, we will receive a ne. . .
Sjálfboðavinna í útlöndum - SEEDS - A world of opportunities!
Sjálfboðavinna í útlöndum - SEEDS - A world of opportunities!
26.03.2007 Íslenskum ungmennum stendur nú til boða að taka þátt í sjálfboðavinnu í yfir 80 löndum víðsvegar um heiminn árið 2007. Þetta eru verkefni sem tengjast t.d. umhverfismálum, uppbyggingu svæða, fornleifarannsóknum, undirbúningi menningarviðburða eða tungumálanámi og vara í tvær til fjórar vikur. . .
SEEDS - Annual Report on workcamps in Iceland
SEEDS - Annual Report on workcamps in Iceland
20.03.2007 SEEDS Iceland has released an annual descriptive report on our voluntary service activities with International volunteers for the year 2006. Last year SEEDS Iceland organised 14 voluntary service workcamps and hosted 160 volunteers from 25 different countries. By December 31st 2006, vol. . .