SEEDS Coastal cleanup with Blue Army

Earlier last week, on a nice sunny and beautiful day, SEEDS Iceland long-term volunteers had yet another coastal cleanup with the Blue Army. This time we again managed to collect about 700 kg of trash, and most of it was small pieces of broken fishing nets.
Since winter is coming, meaning the. . .
SEEDS VC 105. Environmentally Aware

In this virtual camp we had participants from Germany, Spain, France and Sudan.
We learned about zero waste, slow travel, eco-building, urban agriculture, DIY face scrub & hair masks and more. Went trash hunting in our neighborhoods and shared tips & tricks about how to be more sustainable in. . .
SEEDS VC 104. Environmentally Aware

Our camp leaders are enjoying their first experience of hosting a Virtual Camp!
Sharing their DIY ideas with participants on how to reuse plastic bottles and skyr cups, and hosting an online DIY deodorant workshop was really exciting!
World Cleanup Day 2020
Today was World Cleanup Day. The Blue Army & SEEDS organised a coastal cleanup at Selvogsviti.
Despite the tough weather, dozens of volunteers (and a dog) came the long way to pick up beached waste.
SEEDS volunteers, foreign diplomats, and many other volunteers joined the effort and t. . .
SEEDS 085. September Photo Marathon / SEEDS 086. Environmentally Aware & Trash Hunting

Our combined camp Photo Marathon / Environmentally Aware & Trash Hunting was a success!
After a number of online workshops to get prepared, our volunteers went out to collect trash, shoot pictures in the beautiful Icelandic landscape and relax in the hot river at Reykjadalur.
SEEDS 080. Botanical Gardens in Reykjavík

These days our current camp participants were remarkably busy wrestling through the jungle of overgrowing weeds and help transforming it into a proper garden by cutting, weeding and maintaining the beauty of the Icelandic flora.
They definitely deserved some time off with our excursions to t. . .
SEEDS 075. Botanical Gardens in Reykjavík
Our volunteers at the Botanical Garden had an opportunity to have a guided tour and learn about the various plants growing there. Did you know that in some seeds may take 10 years or more to sprout after planting?
The weather was nice for weeding and enjoying the blooming flowers all around.. . .
SEEDS 068. Summer Photography in Reykjavík

Beside great travel opportunities, summer in Iceland provides unique motives waiting to get captured with the camera.
The participants from our photography camp demonstrate their skills by catching the Icelandic summer glow in Reykjavík and thundering waterfalls at the South Shore and its dis. . .
SEEDS 062. Forestry & hiking trails in the West

Forests in Iceland might be a rarity, but our SEEDS volunteers from our camp SEEDS 062. Forestry & hiking trails in the West have worked hard to expand and increase the forests.
They stayed in a nice cabin along with a "hot pot" of course, where they could relax and revitalise after a long da. . .
SEEDS 055. Hitting the Slopes - Blue Mountains & Skálafell
Our volunteers in the Blue Mountains are busy clearing the slopes and painting the buildings in work time, next to hiking and exploring the nearby volcanic cave in their free time, making for an interesting and diverse experience!
We have participants from all over Europe (Germany, France, Sw. . .
SEEDS 043. Between Glaciers & Lava

We are happy to introduce our new long term volunteers to our pilot camp in the beautiful west part of Iceland where they will learn from our more experienced camp leaders how to do the job hands-on.
The camp gives them insights into a diversity of activities from building a path with lava ro. . .
SEEDS 010. Photography & Environmentally Aware in Reykjavik

Our camp SEEDS 010. Photography & Environmentally Aware in Reykjavik has ended last week. We gathered from France, Korea, Japan, Canada, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, Hungary and Mexico to learn more about environmental issues and photography in idyllic Icelandic conditions.
Our health. . .
SEEDS 004. Photography & Environment - Dark Music Days
Tatadada tadadada tadadada batmaaaaan.....We met here during all kinds of weather, live together in snowstorms, rain, freezing and snowing conditions and everything was worth for it because we saw beautiful large Aurora. We had fun and learned more about photography and environmental issues. Ice. . .
SEEDS 001. Photography, Environment & Northern Lights

The first SEEDS Camp of the new year started on January 8, 2020 with a small group of participants in Reykjavik.
During our 10 days together we explored the city, went to the pool, which is an important part of the icelandic culture, learned about whales in the whale museum and we even got to. . .
SEEDS 101. Photography & Environment during New Years - Eskihlid

Is there a better place to spend New Year's than in Reykjavík?! Participants of SEEDS 101 had a chance to not only experience the indescribable amount of fireworks here (and shortly discuss their impacts on environment) but also learn about photography and explore Iceland's nature in the Golden C. . .