Inspired by Iceland
Treasure hunting in Bláfjöll
Arriving at Bláfjöll: Ten Days of Adventure and Mindful Connection 
Our awesome environmental coordinator, Marta shares her journey of SEEDS 022. Hitting the Slopes - Blue Mountains & Skálafell 
„ Arrived into foggy clouds and hills, this inhabiting ski-center house will be our home for the next ten days. The first days we spent in this miraculous Bláfjöll weather, where everything can happen. The first morning, we woke up and started to realize what are the hills that we're going to dwell. The first two days, Bláfjöll showed us his changing, foggy, and a bit drizzling face. We worked on cleaning the area. Trash hunting started to give many different treasures, and we soon renamed it treasure hunting with a twist. In two days, we managed to gather a great deal of metal, plastic, and paper. But also Icelandic krona coins, worth a cup of coffee in Reykjavik. “
Are you curious about what is happening in the Blue Mountains, aka Bláfjöll? Stay tuned tomorrow as we bring you more! 
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