Inspired by Iceland
The start of the aurora season

What a wonderful start of the month for SEEDS volunteers.

We have been very lucky to see strong, stunning and mesmerizing Auroras in the skies just above Reykjavík. Northern Lights are definitely one of the world’s most spectacular natural wonders. Lets deep dive into the legends & the myths surrounding the Northern Lights. It is fascinating stuff, and it will make you wanna become a better aurora hunter!

~ Galileo Galilei witnessed the northern lights in 1621 and coined the phrase aurora borealis (aurora for goddess of the dawn, borealis for the Greek god of the north wind)

~ The old Norse explanation was that the strange, shimmering green lights were old maids dancing in the heavens.

~ In Siberia they believed children born under the aurora lived a long and prosperous life.

~ In Chinese and Japanese cultures, a child conceived under the aurora will receive good luck and good looks and they might become intellectuals.

So check the Aurora Forecast app regularly and most importantly keep your eyes wide open to spot this magical phenomenon!

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