April arrived, and what better way to start a month than with a virtual camp? SEEDS 107 Virtual Camp “Environmentally Aware - Learn from Home” hosted participants all the way from Colombia , Ireland , Portugal , Italy and Vietnam !
Starting with some ice-breaking during the first day, we got to know each other better and got ready for ten awesome days of sharing and learning together!
Touching bases on a lot of different environmental issues, we learned about what we can do both on an individual and collective levels. From being aware of our ecological footprint, to learning some zero waste habits and how to do our own DIY cosmetics, or finding out more about permaculture and climate justice. Seeing as this can be an emotionally heavy topic sometimes, we also learned about different strategies to cope with eco-anxiety and maintain our well-being.
And because the virtual camp isn’t all about sitting in front of the computer, we also took the opportunity to do some vegetarian cooking lessons, and to stretch our body and mind during an online yoga class!
Can’t forget about the awesome country presentations, where we got to know more about the diverse cultures that were all meeting in this virtual space!
The hardest part is always to say goodbye! With a lovely moment of meditating with Tibetan singing bowls in the background , we logged out of the last session, with promises to see each other again soon, who knows, maybe in our home countries.