Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 48. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland

How is farm life in Iceland?

If you ever asked yourself this question, then this workcamp was the perfect answer. This July, eight volunteers from Austria, France, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Taiwan got the chance to work for two weeks on a beautiful farm in south Iceland and gain some first hand farming experience.

These two weeks were filled with a lot of different activities and we got the chance to experience Iceland from many different perspectives. We were building cow beds, hiking on glaciers, looking at Puffins, building a sitting area, making a pavement in the garden, building fences, riding horses, getting rid of pest plants and milking cows.

But most importantly, we got the chance to live with a wonderful Icelandic family, who let us take part in their family life and explained to us everything we wanted to know about Iceland. At the end of the camp everybody was sad to leave, as we really felt at home in “our” farm in the south of Iceland. Thanks again to our great hosts for opening their house and hearts for us!

Sonja Kovacevic (SEEDS workcamp leader)

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