Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 44. Reykjavík - Green & Fun!

The first day, when the group met, everybody knew that things were not going to be easy, not everyone spoke or understood English fluently but we managed to not panic.

We decided that if we had come to Iceland, it was to enjoy the experience and we would all do our best to have fun. Our idea was to create a list of things that everyone wanted to do and together we tried to make them happen.

Now, half way through the workcamp, most of the group's expectations have been almost met. The group understand each other and it seems that our fears were meaningless. We saw waterfalls, geysers, volcanoes, in the famous trip "Golden Circle", we know Reykjavík and its magical and crazy night and we tried typical food from France, Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Belgium.

Next week holds many things for us because apart from work in our organic garden we will go to Blue Lagoon, help volunteers who are participating in the "Reykjavík Football Cup" and take a bike ride along the coast of Reykjavík, the only part of the city that we do not know yet.

Never something that seemed so difficult was so much fun!

Alba González (Spain)

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