Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 96. Autumn Photo Marathon

This workcamp has been like living in a family, since we have been just 4 short term volunteers (from Italy, Russia, Japan and South Korea) and 3 workcamp leaders (from Israel, Romania and Spain). It gave us the opportunity to get to know each other better and work for a photo exhibition that was different from the rest we have been doing this year. We called it “My perspective”.

But perspective about what? It’s a way to express how time and space change according to time. We wanted to put several pictures in every frame to show better how the same thing or space can turn into something different, just depending on the time of day the picture is taken. The atmosphere is completely different from the morning to the evening, and in this photo exhibition you’ll see it easily in the compositions the volunteers have created.

The photo exhibition will take place in Kaffi Haiti (Geirsgötu 7b) from the 3rd to the 17th of November. Order a coffee there and see how the ambience changes from your order until when you’ve finished drinking it!

Lara SANCHEZ (SEEDS Photo Marathon Leader)

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