Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 59. Photo Marathon and Culture Night in Reykjavik

What does it mean that another photo marathon is finished?

Tic tac tic tac… That we can enjoy the photo exhibition of the group! This time we had volunteers from 14 different countries - Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Taiwan and the US - and the topic under which they were working for two weeks was “The shape of the line”.

Yes, I know it sounds too abstract and intellectual, but basically it was about finding in the city of Reykjavik different compositions where the camera can catch special shapes, colours, lines, colours drawing lines or shapes, shapes creating lines… Yes, you should go to the exhibition to understand it better and see your city with different eyes.

The exhibition will take place in Kaffi Haiti (Geirsgötu 7b) from the 21st of August to the 3rd of September. Don’t hesitate to visiti it and get inspired!

Lara SANCHEZ (SEEDS Photo Marathon)

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