Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 46. Reykjavík International Photo Marathon

This workcamp has been simply amazing. It was the first time that I was leading a camp alone, but with such a nice group everything was super easy!

We were located in a school in the center of Reykjavík and apart from the photo content of the workcamp (I’m super happy! My volunteers have learnt a lot and now they’re becoming awesome photographers! ;D ), we were also collaborating with the Municipality of Reykjavík helping with the maintenance of the city.

As you can see in the picture of this article, the work was very funny: the task was basically to paint in green every thing that was green (but in bad shape) in the main streets and squares of downtown Reykjavík. Things like spotlights, parking spots, traffic lights, signal sticks...

It was a very relaxing job. First, because the host was giving us a lot of freedom about the hours to work per day, the deadlines etc. Second, because we were in downtown in July with the good weather, maybe listening to music on our MP3 players, sometimes stopping in cafes to have a break, talking with the Icelanders that were asking us what we were doing, playing sometimes with the paint (painting our faces like “paint warriors”) and singing all together in the street... and at the end of the day go to the swimming pool to take a bath and prepare amazing intercultural dinners.

I will say thank you to all of my volunteers in this camp for making this experience amazing and for showing me a lot of things. I’ve learnt a lot with you all.

Lara SANCHEZ (SEEDS Photo Marathon leader)

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