Inspired by Iceland
Útþrá - Hitt Húsið (Feb. 15, 2011)

SEEDS will participate at the 2011 edition of Útþrá! The event organised at Hitt Húsið is a showcase for Icelandic youth to learn about the possibilities to make experiences abroad!

Different organisations have the opportunity to show their programmes and to present to Icelandic yooungsters different exciting opportunities in the fields of education, internships, jobs, voluntary service, etc. SEEDS has attended Útþrá since 2006 and we are looking forward again to being there! Hitt Húsið is an information- and culture centre for young people, aged 16-25 years old. It is run by the Youth and Sports Council of Reykjavik City. Hitt Húsið is located in the city centre.

The main goal of Hitt Húsið is to:

- Offer young people facilities and assistance with turning their ideas into reality

- Counsel and give information to young people, in cooperation with professionals and associations that specialize in that field

- Reflect what's going on in the creative art life of young people at any given moment.

For more information on Hitt Húsið please go to

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