Bowling in Keiluhöllin
The night before Javier’s departure was our last chance to meet and have fun like in „ the good old days“.
To cut it short: Unusual place - Bowling den, usual fun and even green northern lights!! Oscar revealed his hidden bowling talent, Jérémie his unique style,...
Celebration of SEEDS' birthday
The beginning of November has brought, apart from huge amounts of snow, few other memorable events. One of the most awaited was definitely the first birthday of SEEDS. The gathering took place in the headquarters at Grettisgata, best time of the week, on Friday. A little bit of Autumn nostalgia caused...
SEEDS growing up! First Anniversary!
SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, will turn 1 year next November 7th! This first year of life has been full of hard work, plenty of motivation and good outcomes of our projects in Iceland and abroad!
SEEDS started to talk!
SEEDS started to walk!
SEEDS had its first teeth!
SEEDS is growing up!
SEEDS 13. Sólheimar - Sjálfbært samfélag
The last, but...
Small group, but...
Typical icelandic weather, but...
...but, very nice two weeks in Só make the nice ending... cherry on the cake of this season...
...10 volunteers from Germany, France, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic came to...
Melting SEEDS in Spain...!!!!
After 7 days in the middle of Spain, two French Seeders just arrived back, back in our lovely cold isle in the middle of the Atlantic...
7 days ago, the thermal schock started. Our two Ice-French volunteer started to get some new knowledge about consumption habits, globalisation, and citizenship!...
SEEDS 12. Sólheimar - Eco-Village
Second time in Sólheimar.
The village remained the same, people as well, but not the group of volunteers. New volunteers for a new organic adventure. Those organic volunteers came from Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Slovakia, Poland and Serbia. The work was more or less the same,...
Leonardo's Training - Avanti Italia!
During the next few weeks there will be four young Italians, placed in different projects in Iceland, coming through the Leonardo da Vinci Internship program.
Two of them, Francesca and Alberto, are interested in children and they are coming here to work and do their practical training in two...
Seeds in Lithuania, Klaipeda
Under the umbrella of a youth exchange, four dream teams from Iceland, Poland, France and Lithuania met in Klaipeda to find out the best way how to spread environmental mission among kids.
Not only on theory was placed emphasis. An Earth Art, Artistic and Cultural Evenings organized for local...
SEEDS 09. Eskifjörður
...who is missing?...nobody, he was the last one!!!! sure?...yes, 3 Spanish, 3 Germans, 3 Japanese, 3 French, he was the second Italian and come on, bus is coming!
...15 volunteers decided to spend two weeks of their lifes in the small town almost at the end of the world...
SEEDS 11. Reykjavík - Hinsegin Dagar, Menningarnótt & Maraþon
The 14 volunteers coming from France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan and the USA had succesfully helped the city of Reykjavík around the three main events of this summer in Reykjavík : Hinsegin Dagar (gay-pride), Menningarnótt (cultural night) and the Maraþon (Marathon)....