FM 4 NGOs - Financial Management for NGOs
SEEDS Iceland will organise the training course Financial Management for NGOs, FM 4 NGOs with the kind financial support and co-funding of the Youth in Action programme.
Employees, board members and engaged volunteers from diverse sized associations have registered to participated and actively...
SEEDS 03. Garður & Reykjanes Peninsula
16 SEEDS volunteers from France, UK, Belgium, Latvia, Finland, Netherlands, Spain and Italy have arrived to the township of Garður in the Reykjanes Peninsula and will stay until June 16th...
This workcamp is situated in the town of Garður, a little under an hour’s drive from Reykjavik....
SEEDS 16. Djúpavík
Five SEEDS volunteers have arrived here in Djúpavík, situated in the Western Fjords of Iceland.
Having settled into our accommodation, at the base of a waterfall, we have started work on creating a car park and path in preparation for a coming art festival. Other activities will...
Alþjóðlegt kvöld í Samkomuhúsinu - Garður
Á dögunum komu 16 sjálfboðaliðar frá SEEDS samtökunum í Garðinn en þau hafa unnið að því að aðstoða við undirbúning fyrir 100 ára afmæli bæjarins.
SEEDS samtökin leggja...
SEEDS 01. Bíldudalur & Langibotn. First Project of the season!
Last week 16 SEEDS volunteers have started its very first project of the summer 2008 in the Icelandic Western Fjords; our volunteers have been involved in a number of projects in Bíldudalur: helping the excavation of a nearby archeology site, clearing out the monster museum, finishing the construction...
EVS Training in Reykjavík
A new season of the workcamps and the European Voluntary Service (EVS) has begun. Volunteers began arriving on Sunday 4th May and had all arrived by Wednesday 7th when we began training.
We have 6 workcamp leaders and 6 environmental messengers to join Juste -the Lithuanian EVS volunteer who has...
Umhverfisstofnun & SEEDS - EVS On - Arrival Training & Introduction Seminar
Starting next week we will have the on-arrival training and introduction seminar for 17 long-term EVS volunteers. They will be hosted by Umhverfisstofnun and SEEDS in Iceland for periods between 4 and 8 months.
The group of EVS volunteers, will be a very international one as they will come from...
EVS Volunteers coming soon to SEEDS Iceland
The spring has arrived to Iceland and the EVS volunteers will arrive very soon! With the co-funding of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission, SEEDS will host this year 13 long-term volunteers coming from different corners of the European map!
This year we are very glad to receive...
Al Gore & SEEDS Iceland
Earlier today, 4 members of SEEDS attended a lecture given by Al Gore, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Vice-President of the United States ("former next president of the US" as he introduced himself).
The main issues discussed during his short visit to Iceland were related to the...
SEEDS continue growing!! Chiara Davico joins our team!
We have the pleasure to announce that a lively intercultural team is now working together at SEEDS office.
Chiara Davico from Italy joined SEEDS team in recent days; we would like to welcome her and wish her all the best for the Icelandic experience! Chiara comes from Alba in the North-western...