Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 07. Reykjavík & Reynisvatn: Crafts of the Vikings (1)
SEEDS 07. Reykjavík & Reynisvatn: Crafts of the Vikings (1)
We were 6 volunteers from 5 different countries - Korea, Denmark, Spain, Israel and Slovenia participating in this project. The work-camp took place in the nature, in Reykjavik suburbs where we were building a playground, well, more of an adventure park for local youth. We were only using the materials...
SEEDS 19. Window into the Viking world! (1)
SEEDS 19. Window into the Viking world! (1)
Six SEEDS volunteers from Italy, Korea, Denmark, and Belgium tried their hands at traditional Icelandic building construction! Our host lives in an old, isolated farm 15km away from Selfoss. The area near Selfoss is calm and beautiful. Farms and horses dot the rugged Icelandic landscape. We stayed...
SEEDS 06. Bikeability in the Blue Mountains - Bláfjöll
SEEDS 06. Bikeability in the Blue Mountains - Bláfjöll
The philosophy of this SEEDS project was “Yes, you can travel by bike!” SEEDS volunteers from around the world embarked on a bicycle trip with youths from a local school in Reykjavik to Iceland’s Blue Mountains (Bláfjöll). First, we assisted local 9th and 10th graders...
SEEDS volunteers supporting the affected areas under Eyjafjallajökull
SEEDS volunteers supporting the affected areas under Eyjafjallajökull
A group of 8 SEEDS volunteers gathered for a new mission, to work in the affected areas by the volcano under Eyjafjallajökull! This time we departed to Moldnúpur where the local people needed some assistance with removing the volcano ashes from the soil, enabling the vegetation to grow. Local...
SEEDS sendir hóp til að taka þátt í hreinsunarstarfseminni fyrir austan!
SEEDS sendir hóp til að taka þátt í hreinsunarstarfseminni fyrir austan!
SEEDS sendir hóp til að taka þátt í hreinsunarstarfseminni fyrir austan þann 28. apríl og aðstoðar þannig íbúa svæðisins við að takast á við afleiðingar eldgossins. Þátttakendurnir...
First SEEDS project of the year! SEEDS 01. Reykjavík: Design, renovation & environment
First SEEDS project of the year! SEEDS 01. Reykjavík: Design, renovation & environment
Volunteers from Korea, Italy, Latvia, France, Israel and Slovakia had the honour of being part of the first SEEDS project of 2010! Our main responsibility for this project was to help organise the Design March, an annual, four-day design festival in Reykjavík. Also we took part in a one-day...
Spennandi sjálfboðaverkefni í yfir 100 löndum. Heill heimur af tækifærum!!
Spennandi sjálfboðaverkefni í yfir 100 löndum. Heill heimur af tækifærum!!
Íslenskum ungmennum stendur nú til boða að taka þátt í sjálfboðavinnu í yfir 100 löndum víðsvegar um heiminn árið 2010. Þetta eru verkefni sem tengjast t.d. umhverfismálum, uppbyggingu svæða,...
SEEDS at Útþrá - February 9, Hitt Húsið (Reykjavík)
SEEDS at Útþrá - February 9, Hitt Húsið (Reykjavík)
SEEDS will participate at the 2010 edition of Útþrá! The event organised at Hitt Húsið is a showcase for Icelandic youth to learn about the possibilities to make experiences abroad! Different organisations have the opportunity to show their programmes and to present...
SEEDS is selecting the upcoming EVS volunteers!
SEEDS is selecting the upcoming EVS volunteers!
SEEDS is making the selection for our long-term volunteer projects through the European Voluntary Service (EVS) this year! If you are interested, please contact us, we will give you details about the projects and inform you about the procedure to apply and the deadline to do so! For more information...
Happy new year! Happy 2010 from SEEDS Iceland!
Happy new year! Happy 2010 from SEEDS Iceland!
Dear friends, May you have blessings, happiness, success, peace and love for all the new year ahead!! SEEDS - Iceland
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