SEEDS Iceland has released an annual descriptive report on our voluntary service activities with International volunteers for the year 2007.
SEEDS has just turned 2 years old and at the same time has successfully completed its second season of projects all around Iceland. The year 2007 was a very successful and fulfilling one for us; while the level of our activities increased significantly from the year before, roughly by twofold.
By developing a diverse array of projects and bringing together people from dissimilar backgrounds, creating more alternatives and opportunities; we continue pursuing our vision and building on our fundaments trying to promote intercultural understanding, respect for cultural diversity and environment protection.
Last year we strengthened our work on the environmental field with varied nature protection and conservation projects, while simultaneously raised the number of those related to culture, cultural activities, festivals and sports gatherings.
By December 31st, 2007, volunteers, interns, participants in our projects and staff of SEEDS accomplished nearly 46000 hours of service, of work all around Iceland in a variety of projects where the actions were individually or in groups undertaken; the projects developed by SEEDS lasted from as short as 12 days to as long as 7 months. This figure roughly represents what more than 26 people would work full time on a yearly basis!!
Compared to the year 2006, when we had 14 short-term voluntary service projects with 160 participants, this 2007 we organised and carried out 24 workcamps with 335 volunteers (from 31 different countries) taking actively part of them!
SEEDS continues working with local communities, their administration or authorities and with other Icelandic associations. Jointly we develop projects aimed at fulfilling an identified need or to help in the development of particular actions that are already being undertaken.
Our projects continue to be highly supported by the local hosts and the volunteers participating; additionally we received strong support for our long term projects from the Youth, Youth in Action and Leonardo da Vinci Programmes of the European Commission.
In 2007, our expectations were outmatched by the positive response from local communities and associations in the country, as by the feedback received from the volunteers and interns hosted; we developed new partnerships and carry on building up our relationship with them.
On behalf of SEEDS, I would like to thank all of those individuals, groups, associations, communities, supporters and sponsors that back us and that constantly encourage us to continue working hard and commit ourselves to deliver the best while using our resources in the most efficient and effective way.
Special thanks go once again for all the volunteers that joined our activities during the year and that supported greatly our association, taking aside precious time of their lives, to contribute with their energy and efforts to our cause and ideals; all of them play a very important role in the evolution of SEEDS and our appreciation goes far beyond these words.
For the year 2008 we will maintain our North and carry on pushing forward this initiative, shaping it and trying to ensure that the SEEDS spread continue growing up!
Oscar-Mauricio Uscategui - Chairman & Executive Officer.
For more information on our past projects feel free to download our Annual reports for the years 2006 and 2007 at:
We hope you enjoy the reading!