Inspired by Iceland
SEEDLING is back! - winter (2) 2021/22 - official SEEDS magazine

Winter hasn’t left Iceland yet, so we’re coming back with the second winter edition of SEEDLING magazine!

We were the ones who chose to spend the winter months in Iceland. “Bold decision” we were told.
But paradoxically this time was full of light and inspiration. Time that wouldn't be called “dark and dreary” by any means.

Here you can unravel the mystery of aurora borealis, indulge yourself in a vegan chocolate mousse, listen to the finest music selection (click on the photos!), spend a week with a SEEDS plogger...

...and much more!

So again we are offering you some insight into our world.
Enjoy your moments with SEEDLING!

You can access it here:

Or download from here.
(recommended page view: two pages with a cover page seperately)

We appreciate your feedback! If you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

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