During this environmentally aware camp in Reykjavik participants spent time getting to know each other through sharing experiences and knowledge.
The camp was fortunate enough to spend 2 days attending lectures and activities at the University. These talks covered a variety of different environmental topics including fashion waste, the benefits of a vegan lifestyle, living sustainably in Reykjavik and more. We held some further discussions on food wastage and recycling. The camp also got the opportunity to visit and receive a tour of a geothermal plant and work alongside IFAW to help fight against whaling in Iceland.
During the camp the participants had the opportunity to explore the city as well as further afield through activities and excursions. The camp also got the opportunity to learn about each other throughout the week but especially through the international dinner where all the participants prepared food from their own countries for us all to share and enjoy.
The camp was a great success and all the participants engaged well with each other and the activities making it a very enjoyable experience for all.