Inspired by Iceland
SEEDS 02. Icelandic traditions & culture in Reykjavík

This workcamp about the Icelandic culture and tradition took place in Reykjavík.

We had the opportunity to discover the Icelandic culture through Icelanders who introduced us to various subjects like politics and the history of the country. We met a painter and helped him with his project to develop an environmental map of Reykajvik. The coordinator of the Red Cross in Iceland learnt us how to knit, because the wool here is plenty and cheap, and wool is one of the main fabrics for the local clothes.

Every volunteer was able to create a scarf or a pair of gloves without difficulties! We also worked in a center for people with disabilities and made various creative activities with them. We made an excursion to a mountain outside Reykjavík where we soaked in a hot spring of warm water, a very good relaxation!

Eddy BARAU (SEEDS workcamp leader)

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